Adrian Mutu ~ You Could Be Happy [Chelsea]

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7 Responses to “Adrian Mutu ~ You Could Be Happy [Chelsea]”

  1. shevakakAmutu Says:

    i love you adi♥

  2. hahaitwasmeIMBACK Says:

    @AdrianMutuFenomeno, i will do that could you send me the video by email, if i give you my email ?

  3. AdrianMutuFenomeno Says:

    Nope, Good ahead, all I ask is a referral in you’re description box for the video. 🙂

  4. hahaitwasmeIMBACK Says:

    @AdrianMutuFenomeno, thanks m8, im making it now :). do you mind if i borrow some of the news paper clips from this video ??

  5. AdrianMutuFenomeno Says:

    Sure man, man you’re own version! Put heart into it and it’ll come out great! Message me once you’ve uploaded I’ll definitely want to check it out.

  6. hahaitwasmeIMBACK Says:

    you legand thanks for making the video , i hope you dont mind me making my own verison of this video? , he was simply a great player and i wouldnt of been a chelsea supporter if it wasnt for him

  7. Romanianloop Says:

    this is what screwed his life up he had all of the world at his feet could’ve been a star once he took the powder there was no turning back