Adrian Mutu , How many he is sexy ?

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11 Responses to “Adrian Mutu , How many he is sexy ?”

  1. AzjaDanBalan Says:

    he is sexy :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  2. kafi001 Says:

    ya he is so sexxy ; )

  3. xBigManFromItalyxxx Says:

    ma ci vai a cagare gay di merda, vai a commentare sui gay, non sugli etero, guarda ho passato esperienze bruttissime riguardo i gay ma ora che sono grosso e forte nn mi fate più paura, anzi siete voi che mi dovete temere, mutu è un gran giocatore che n merita i vostri commenti

  4. nininana95 Says:

    very much XD ! ♥

  5. shevakakAmutu Says:

    happy birthday to adi!! 🙂

  6. jejecr7mutu Says:

    Happy birthday adrian

  7. AmeliyNa Says:

    Adrian Mutu the PERFECT MAN!ADORABLE PERSON!BEST Football PLAYER!the most SEXY!!!
    Wish YOU ALL THE BEST!!!
    Bravissimo jejecr7mutu for this video!!!

  8. lifeiscar Says:

    6 or 7 i am not sure exactly how many he is:)

  9. shevakakAmutu Says:

    how many he’s sexy?? tanto tanto!! 🙂

  10. monicaalis Says:

    adi mutu is the best

  11. valee91 Says:

    5Su5..CoMPlImEnti viDeO belLIx…aLlA fInE muTu…..SenZa PaRolE…tVtTtTb VaLe